Seeking clarity, peace, and passion?
Join us to work smarter, with satisfaction.
Become the next version of you,
On a journey that’s magical, but true.
Discover a magical journey to Spain, Create a life in line with your soul’s terrain.
We all have something special that can help us be successful and happy in life. On this journey, you’ll discover what makes you unique. We’ll guide you through fun and meaningful experiences that involve your senses like seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, and moving.
You’ll stay in a nice hotel room with a balcony and an ocean view.
This trip will be both educational and enjoyable, and it’ll help you feel more free. You’ll learn how to be calm, energetic, happy, brave, and motivated so you can create the life you want.
Join us September 24-29, 2023

Free yourself and start the life you actually dream of
You know you are meant for something more! Because you feel the longing, the restlessness or the emptiness that appears when you don’t make the choices that are authentically right for you. You feel stressed and drained of energy because you do everything you can to contribute in every way.
In Spain, you will learn how to fill yourself with energy, gain greater clarity about who you really are, understand which choices are right for you to make. You will be able to feel the strength of being authentic. And experience complete joy, passion, confidence and courage to do exactly what you want.
So that you can become your very best friend, while also becoming a better mother, colleague, friend and lover.
Kundalini Yoga

Bring your body to life doing kundalini yoga as the sun rises
We start the morning quietly, where you only focus on yourself and no one else.
After a guided meditation and having seen the sunrise, you will do kundalini yoga sequences that strengthen you body and soul. Get rid of tension, trauma and mental blocks through breathing, mantra and body movements.
You will feel soft sand between your toes and feel how the sun rise is warming your face as your body comes to life and gets ready for the day.
Then it’s time for breakfast at the hotel.
Art Theraphy

Draw, write and paint your inner unique strength
We will play and discover how colours, lines, structures and symbols help us to understand ourselves. Experience how trauma and mistakes become strengths in your own life, and how your dreams take shape. You will increase your creativity, become more solution oriented and a better supporter for yourself and others.
No drawing or painting skills are required, you just need to be curious, childlike and playful.
You will bring home your sketchbook with notes and drawings and the painting you have made of your inner strength. The painting will guide you to understand your intuition and make the right choices going forward.

Free yourself and start the life you actually dream of
You know you are meant for something more! You feel the longing, the restlessness or the emptiness that appears when you don’t make the choices that are authentically right for you. You feel stressed and drained from energy because you do everything you can to contribute in every way.
In Spain, you will learn how to fill yourself with energy, find clarity on who you really are and understand which choices are right for you to make. You will feel the strength of being authentic. And experience joy, passion, confidence and courage to do exactly what you want.
Join us and become your very best friend, a better parent, colleague, friend and lover.
Essensial oils

Make your signature perfume
Morgenen starter stille, hvor du kun har fokus på deg selv og ingen andre.
Etter en guidet meditasjon og ha sett soloppgangen, vil du bli guidet inn i en kundaliniyoga sekvens. Der du gjennom pust, mantra og kroppsbevegelser blir kvitt spenninger, traumer og mentale blokkeringer.
Du vil kjenne myk sand mellom tærne og solstråler som varmer ansiktet mens kroppen våkner til live og gjør seg klar for dagen.
Deretter er det duket for frokost på hotellet.
Breath work

Breathing that comes in contact with your intuition
Vi skal leke og oppdage hvordan farger, streker, strukturer og symboler hjelper til å forstå oss selv. Opplev hvordan traumer og feil blir til styrker i ditt eget liv, og hvordan dine drømmer tar form. Du vil øke kreativiteten, bli mer lønsingsorientert og en bedre støttespiller for deg selv og andre.
Det kreves ingen kunnskaper innen tegning eller maling, du trenger bare å være nysgjerrig, barnlig og leken.
Når du reiser hjem, vil du få med deg din skissebok med notater og tegninger, samt et maleri du har laget av din indre styrke. Maleriet vil guide deg til å forstå din intuisjon og ta de rette valgene fremover.
Enkelt person
To deler rom
Følg med på hva som skjer
WOWeventsFlybillett kommer i tillegg. Du kan fly fra hvor du vil i Norge og til Alicante, som ligger ca. 30 min fra hotellet.